Израильский активист Йосеф Хаддад был атакован про-палестинским сбродом перед лекцией в университете Колумбия в Нью-Йорке.
Хаддад, оказался в центре демонстрации в поддержку ХАМАСа, обмениваясь колкостями с протестующими в масках, причем словесные атаки быстро переросли в физические, когда один из протестующих яростно набросился на Хаддада.
I was physically attacked by pro-terror protesters before my lecture at Columbia University. Instead of a lecture, I had to file a complaint with the police. They may have drawn blood but these cowards will never stop me. pic.twitter.com/X3G0zXSsVx
This is my attacker - Essa Ejelat, 31, from New York. During the demonstration he was bare-faced and just before he attacked me he made sure to cover his face immediately after he ran away... a coward and a disgrace! He thought we wouldn't reach him...
He is trying to disguise… pic.twitter.com/CIhncbZI36