Специальная группа Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе по борьбе с антисемитизмом обнаружила, что еврейские студенты подвергались преследованиям и нападениям в ходе пропалестинских протестов в кампусах в начале этого года.
The school year has started so university students are back to doing strange things on campus again.
This video is from Sonoma State University in California where students set up “Israeli checkpoints” on the first day of school.
Via @thestustustudio pic.twitter.com/FyzvRJDQ1z
Student at University of California San Diego destroys posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.
He seems to view it as some form of sport or game
???? pic.twitter.com/y89Jz7blZ2
Far-left activists destroy dozens of posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.
They get confronted by a man in front of University of South California who knows of the people kidnapped. pic.twitter.com/x0VN2UOUqs